
Fallout new vegas fallout character overhaul
Fallout new vegas fallout character overhaul

However, it's also played with in that he claims Antler orders these things of him, while Davison himself distrusts you from the get-go and would happily rip your arms off for looking at him wrong.

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He told the Bright followers to stay in the upper levels for their own good, as he knows his kin are not as stable as he is and would harm them. He also agrees to let you search the site for Stealth Boys, to leave if you find them, and when you find evidence the Stealth Boys aren't there at all he's disappointed but leaves peacefully.
  • Morality Chain: Antler is this to him Ironic, considering that Antler only exists in his head.
  • And he's still a hulking eight-foot mutant with a sword made from a car bumper. He may be insane but Davison is quite intelligent and articulate as far as most Nightkin go. Especially with how Antler sees to be the rational and peaceful one of the two, where Davision is paranoid and reacts to basically everything with barely restrained rage.
  • Funny Schizophrenia: His interactions with "Antler" are entirely Played for Laughs.
  • A Father to His Men: He's seeking the Stealth Boys for the good of his followers, and does not send them into the storage room because Harland is too good a shot and has already killed three of them.
  • Consulting Mister Puppet: His relationship with Antler.
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  • Berserk Button: Harming the actual Antler skull he has with him or killing too many of his other kin turns him hostile.
  • He follows the orders of "Antler", a brahmin skull he carries with him. "Antler guides me in all things! As I in turn guide my kin!"Ī Nightkin who leads a force of them to the REPCONN Test Site seeking Stealth Boys.

    Fallout new vegas fallout character overhaul