They cannot be scrapped, but can be modified. The 2nchemical version offers typical stats and will be called Inquisitor Ocean Shield and Attack Marine Armor. Gunna go & see if that works but I doubt it.

There are no modifications for the Marine wetsuit. Check out the rest of our DLC guides on Gameranx: This console command spawns the desired item into your inventory. The recon marine armor set has to have ID codes I would think so getting those codes would be great! It has rather good stats and comes in three flavors + legendary version.

I might see if I could go back that far before I chose to wipe out the Children of Adom but all the progress I made since then is huge & I would really hate to loose all progress. The basic version is called the Zealot’s Marine Armor. This item is generated from leveled lists, based on the player's level. posted in Fallout 4 Mod Requests: So ive seen the Marine Armor retexured for the Minutemen, the Olive Drab for the MGS3 lovers, and a couple other retexes (retexi (?)).